Letting go

Publicerat: 2012-03-05 Kl: 10:16:27 | I kategori: Allmänt

I'm burning the boat that carried me to here.
She was a damn sturdy vessel. A solid muthah. I loved her hard, I carved my name in her mast. We weathered storms. I'm pulling up to a new land of opportunity. I can feel the belly of my boat hitting sand. It's coming time to swim to shore for fresh fruit, deep deep trust, radiance, relief. I look back at my boat. And I think, Damn, your diligence could come in handy. You're such a hard worker. I should keep you docked. But I sense my future will require wings instead of sails. Less work, more play.
With gratitude, I strike a match.

Postat av: Anna S

Jaha o hur ska jag tolka att du lämnar båten o ist fixar vingar?

Kommer du komma flaxande till fastlandet nästa gång eller?

2012-03-05 @ 13:11:11
URL: http://Http://ansobloggar.se
Postat av: Anna S

Jag vet. Jag är ytlig. Förlåt!

Som plåster på såren har jag beställt Mac:en nu.

God natt

2012-03-05 @ 22:49:12
URL: http://Http://ansobloggar.se

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